Privacy Policy

We respect your Privacy

At Autumn Salon, we understand the importance of your personal data and how it’s used. We want you to trust that we handle your personal information with care. This Privacy Notice is designed to provide you with insights into what personal data we collect, the reasons behind its collection, and how we use it.

Please be aware that this Privacy Notice pertains to all services provided by Autumn Salon.

We kindly request you to take a moment to acquaint yourself with our privacy practices and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can contact us via email through our Customer Care or by submitting a request using the “Contact Us” form on our website.

We’ve made an effort to keep this notice straightforward. If you’re unfamiliar with terms such as cookies, IP addresses, and browsers, we recommend familiarizing yourself with these key terms first.

You have the right to object to certain uses of your personal data, including its use in direct marketing. You can learn more about your rights and how to exercise them in our detailed description below

Who Is Collecting It?

Any personal data provided to or collected by Autumn Salon is managed by Autumn Salon, the data controller.

This Privacy Notice applies to personal data collected by Autumn Salon concerning the services and products we offer. When we refer to “Autumn Salon” in this notice, we mean Autumn Salon and any company directly or indirectly owned and/or controlled by Autumn Salon with which you have a business relationship or interact.

This Privacy Notice also extends to Autumn Salon’s marketing content, including offers and advertisements for Autumn Salon products and services, which we (or a service provider acting on our behalf) send to you on third-party websites, platforms, and applications based on your site usage information. These third-party websites typically have their own Privacy Notices and Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to read them before using those websites.

What Personal Data Is Being Collected?

Personal data refers to any information that can directly or indirectly identify a specific individual.

You are not obligated to provide Autumn Salon with the personal data we request. However, if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to offer our products or services, maintain a high level of service quality, or respond to your queries.

We may collect personal data from various sources, including:

Personal data you provide to us directly.
Personal data we collect automatically.
Personal data we obtain from other sources.
This definition encompasses personal data collected offline through our Consumer Engagement Centers, direct marketing campaigns, sweepstakes, competitions, and online through our websites, applications, and branded pages on third-party platforms and applications accessed or used through third-party platforms.

You may be asked to provide your personal data when you interact with us. Companies under Autumn Salon may share your personal data with each other and with other Autumn Salon Group companies, using it in accordance with this Privacy Notice. We may also combine it with other information to enhance our products, services, content, and advertising.

Ways in Which We Collect Your Personal Data

We collect personal data from various sources, which include:

Personal data you provide us directly. This includes data about how you use our services and products, such as the types of content you view or interact with, or the frequency and duration of your activities. We may also collect personal data when you sign up for a marketing newsletter, complete a survey, or register for an account to purchase our products. This may involve providing information such as your name, gender, date of birth, address, email address, telephone number, or credit card details. Some Autumn Salon brands may collect “special categories of personal data” about you with your explicit consent. For more information on the special categories of data we collect and how we use them, please refer to the relevant section below.

Personal data we collect automatically. We also receive and store certain types of personal data when you interact with us online. For example, we use cookies and tracking technologies (see our privacy key terms for more information) to collect personal data when your web browser accesses our websites or advertisements, and other content served by or on behalf of Autumn Salon on other websites. Your personal data is also collected when you search, purchase, participate in a contest or questionnaire, or communicate with our customer service teams. Examples of the types of personal data we collect include your IP address, device ID, location data, computer and connection information (such as browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system, and purchase history). During some of your internet browsing on Autumn Salon’s websites, we may also use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. We may also collect technical information to help us identify your device for fraud prevention and diagnostic purposes.

Personal data we collect from other sources. We collect personal data from other sources, including our trusted partnerships with third parties and when we operate Autumn Salon accounts on third-party platforms. For example, when you use the “like” functionality on Facebook or the “+1” functionality on Google+. Additionally, we receive information about you and other visitors’ interactions with our advertising to measure whether our advertising is relevant and effective. We also collect information about you and your activities from a third party when we jointly offer services or products or from third-party data enrichment providers (see our privacy key terms for more information) who may provide insights to Autumn Salon about the personal data we hold.

When and Why We Collect "Special Categories of Personal Data"

Certain categories of personal data, such as health data, financial data, biometrics, race, ethnicity, religion, health, sexuality, or biometric data, are classified as “special categories of data” or “Sensitive Personal Information” and benefit from additional protection.

We limit the circumstances in which we collect and process these special categories of data. Autumn Salon occasionally collects data related to your health, such as allergies, pregnancy, or skin type, to send you tailored ads and relevant promotions. We collect and use this personal data only when you have provided us with your consent. In some instances, you may have requested services or products that do not directly involve the collection of any special categories of data but may imply or suggest your religion, health, or other special categories of data.

To illustrate circumstances where Autumn Salon collects and processes special categories of data, we provide the following examples:

Autumn Salon collects expectant mothers’ due dates in its newsletter sign-up page. This data is used to create an audience of expectant mothers to receive online advertising from relevant Autumn Salon brands.
Similarly, Autumn Salon collects personal data related to consumers’ allergies to provide relevant ads and promotions for products that cater to their needs.

How Do We Protect Children's Privacy?

We acknowledge the importance of taking extra precautions to protect the privacy and safety of children using Autumn Salon products and services.

Most of Autumn Salon’s websites are designed for use by adults. Where a website is intended for use by a younger audience, we will obtain consent from the person with parental responsibility before collecting personal data, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

If you are a child under the age where parental consent is required in your country, it is advisable to review the terms of this Privacy Notice with your parent or guardian to ensure you understand and accept them. If we discover that we have collected personal data from a child without the necessary consent from a parent